Talk:Aluminium (Powder)

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While the nitrate/Aluminium reaction is indeed real and in some situations serious, the advice that adding water to compositions containing Aluminium ad nitrates should never be done is poor, because this is standard practice in both hobby and commercial set ups. Additionally, the advice to use Red gum as a binder is poor, as it's binding properties are substandard, and additionally, Shellac and NC are not good for binding nitrate/Al compositions. Because of this, I butchered that part of the article.

jamesy that picture of aluminum looks like sand :S

i hope those guys at pyroaluminum write back...


It is actually 325 mesh pyro aluminium :-)


the pyroaluminum stuff is 2 micron, and is a beautiful dark gray :-):-)


Is aluminium oxide powder the same thing?

No, aluminium oxide is a white salt which is (as the name suggest) aluminium which is oxided, the process that happens e.g. by burning the aluminium. Things that are already burned once, will hardly burn again. The same reason e.g. magensium oxide and magnesium aren't the same thing /Pudi

As for where it can be obtained, you can just sand down a pop can or aluminum foil, but with the aluminum foil make sure to hit it with a hammer a few times before sanding to ensure that no large chunks peel off of it./

Is this alluminium fine enough for flash powder??? --Pyrogeek 08:45, 27 September 2008 (EST)

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